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Madame Ma's Doggie Daycare


  • Madame Ma's Doggie Daycare provides dog daycare, top end grooming, select dog products and puppy classes, dog photos and birthday parties.


  • Centrally located in West Perth, Madame Ma's owner was looking to reduce her Synergy electricity bills by adding solar PV embeded generation to her roof. 


  • As a lease holder, she required the owners permission to install the solar PV system at her cost on the northern facing roof of the West Perth building, which he agreed to. 


  • The installation slipped into 2020 and was commissioning between Christmas and New Years Eve enabling the Federal Governments 2020 Small Scale Technology Certificates (STC's) to be claimed before they reduced in 2021.  


  • We can report that the system is performing well and that we are assisting Madame Ma's with other energy management duties relating to her power system which takes a hit in the hot summer afternoons when the air-conditioning is cranking and the dogs are lining up for a wash and blowdry!

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